To what extent was the granting of the right to vote to women, in Britain, due to their role in the First World War?

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Essay Database > Business & Economy > Companies
The Representation of the Peoples Act was passed in 1918 it was legislation introduced to give woman the right to vote for the first time since the Reform Act of 1832, but there were very few women allowed to vote under the rules before this. The impact of women who filled roles during the First World War has been thought of as the most important factor in the gaining of the right to vote for woman. However …

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…as men and the impact of the first World War was to accelerate the enfranchisement of women. Although there were many reasons for the eventual granting of the vote to women the role that they preformed during the First World War rapidly increased the rate at which change would occur and highlighted the change in the view of women in society which is why it is the most important reason for the enfranchisement of women.