To what extent is Faustus a humanist? This essay refers to the studying of the text Doctor Faustus by Christopher Marlowe.

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Faustus' character is certainly not one-dimensional. Throughout the timeframe of twenty-four years in which the play takes place, we see Faustus in different lights, but none of them provide a cast-iron mold of what 'type' of character Faustus is. Thus we can assume he is three-dimensional; extremely complex. Marlowe likely developed Faustus in this way so as to provide the audience with questions rather than answers. However, many critics have perceived elements of humanism portrayed …

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…as entertainment for a fifteenth century audience or whether he included them as evidence of Faustus' own humanistic beliefs will forever remain a debate. I, personally, see the religious undercurrents and the reputation of Doctor Faustus as a religious play to counteract Faustus' humanistic beliefs. If Faustus was to be of humanist thought, he would be a Christian humanist, and thus not be so intense in his Renaissance thinking as some critics would believe themselves.