Title: What's the big deal about Aids? This is a critcal essay on AIDS listing treaments, prevention, and facts about AIDS. 5pages, MLA format with Works Cited

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What's the big deal about Aids? "In 1980 and 1981, doctors in Los Angeles and New York became alarmed about the possibility of a new disease when they noticed that some of their homosexual patients had contracted rare forms of cancer and pneumonia. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) identified the new disease-now known as acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS)- in June 1981" (Bender 12). Knowing how to protect someone from HIV, and the proper methods used, …

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…possibly someone else's; use the head on your shoulders, not the other one (Jussim 66-81). Works Cited Bender, David L. AIDS Opposing Views. San Diego: Bender, 1998. Check, William A. AIDS. Philadelphia: Chelsea House Publishers, 1988. Dispezio, Michael A. The Science, Spread, and Therapy of HIV Disease. Shrewsbury: ATL Press Inc, 1998. Hyde, Margaret O., and Forsyth, Elizabeth H., eds. Know About AIDS. New York: Walker and Company, 1994. Jussim, Daniel AIDS and HIV Risky Business. Springfield: Enslow Publishers, 1997.