Title: Hate Crimes. Essay is about recent hate crimes and statistics.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences
Lifeless bodies with slashed throats were found in the mountains of Virginia nearly six years ago. This is quite a disturbing image; the unfortunate result of a hate crime. What exactly is a hate crime? The American Psychological Association defines hate crimes as "violent acts against people, property, or organizations because of the group to which they belong or identify with" (1). The different groups usually involved include homosexuals, ethnic groups, and religion affiliations. Dr. Jack …

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…hatecm.htm> Frieden, Terry. 10 Apr. 2002. <http://www.cnn.com/2002/LAW/04/10/shenandoah.killings/index.html> National Gay and Lesbian Task Force. NGLTF Communications Department. 25 Sep. 2002. <http://ngltf.org/news/printed.cfm?releaseID=491> Southern Poverty Law Center. <http://www.splcenter.org/teachingtolerance/tt-topindexmenu.html> Wessler, Stephen. Addressing Hate Crimes: Six Initiatives That Are Enhancing the Efforts of Criminal Justice Practitioners. Feb. 2000. <http://www.ncjrs.org/txtfiles1/bja/179559.txt>