Title: Discussion about Crisis Communication and the Importance of a Public Relations Plan.

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Essay Database > Entertainment
Discuss the importance of a PR plan: In practicing effective public relations, it is very important for the public relations representatives to be on the same page as their clients. In addition, effective public relations requires a plan, which will act as a guide for carrying out and maintaining a public relations campaign. When creating a public relations plan, the client is involved throughout the process--this helps the public relations representatives better understand how their …

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…media and public as the situation was resolved. The company took responsibility and made it clear that they were looking out for the public's best interest--these were two of the best things the company could have done. Johnson and Johnson probably did not expect the tampering to happen and were caught off-guard; however, the luckily had a good public relations team who were able to act quickly and put a crisis management plan into action.