"Titanic" and "The Beach".

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Essay Database > Business & Economy > Marketing and Advertising
Titanic: The subjects within the frame are a boat (The Titanic), and in the whole shot you can see the boat, Rose (Kate Winslet) and Jack (Leonardo DiCaprio), these are the protagonists - at this time I would not have known their names. My eye is first of all drawn straight to the point of the boat, which is going in between Jack and Rose, and behind this boat is a blue cloudy sky. At …

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…is the best, although the Beach has a clever hidden meaning, if someone was to look at each poster quickly then the Titanic would stand out the most because the meaning is easily understood. Differences: The main differences between these two posters are the type of release they are promoting. The Beach is promoting a DVD release and the Titanic is promoting a cinema release, however there are some other minor differences with the posters.