Time travel, einstein, theory of relativity.

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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Physics
Albert Einstein discovered the theory of relativity in the 1920's after starting thinking about it at the age of around 16. Albert Einstein's theory of time travel is basically theory of relativity. They are linked side-by-side. Relativity is only a theory because it cannot be proven. If it were a law it would have to be proven. In order to prove that relativity is a true we would need to conduct an experiment in which we …

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…and accelerate back to Earth. You arrive home. You have aged two years during your flight. Two hundred years have passed on Earth. You have successfully traveled forward through time. Now you want to go back? Sorry. According to relativity, you can only move through time in one direction. Conclusion: It might be difficult to grasp that time stays constant and that you can travel through time, however according to Einstein, it is very possible.