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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Zoology
The Tiger is often described as a particularly dangerous, sly, and invincible predator. The Tiger is the largest of the cat family. They have powerful bodies, large paws, and very sharp claws. The head of the Tiger is rounded and has a convex profile. The ears are black with white in the middle. The Tiger's eyes are a yellowish-orange color, but at night they almost look green. Coloration of the Tiger is reddish yellow or …

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…and back,and then killing it by biting through the throat.(Grzinek's Animal Life Encyclopedia 1972) Beauty ,mystery,and strength are all qualities for which the tiger has been admired and feared .In some myths,the tiger,with its striking pattern of stripes, is the king of beasts. But in most stories, the tiger is a demon. Because of the animal's reputation as a dangerous foe, those who hunted the tiger were respected for their bravery.