Through such little time frame as 24 hours Ellis changes significantly, discuss these changes: "24 hours" by Margaret Mahy

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The novel "24 hours" by Margaret Mahy, sees the main character. Ellis as a rather predictable, withdrawn person. Through such little time frame as 24 hours Ellis changes significantly. At the very beginning of the novel Ellis "promised himself wild adventures and no apologies."(p.18) By the end of the novel Ellis defiantly changed, he had got drunk and couldn't remember half of the night. He also physically changed, learnt and understands why some people are tempted …

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…that some people would take a lifetime to make. Ellis physically changed by shaving his perfect curls off, took risks and learnt so much more than he already knew about life, Ellis changed for the better, he became more of man. Before he met Jackie Ellis was timid, boring and quiet but after everything he went through at the Land - Of - Smiles he came out of his shell and changed for the better.