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Essay Database > Entertainment > Genres
THRILLER FILM GENRE It is difficult to state a clear definition of a thriller because thrillers cross over many genres of filmmaking. Thrillers can be divided into countless categories; e.g., action thrillers, psychological thrillers, crime thrillers, spy thrillers, romantic thrillers, supernatural thrillers, etc. However, the single greatest characteristic of a thriller is the obvious one. It "thrills" as one watches it. The plots are scary, the characters are at great risk and the films …

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…although it may be Hollywood, the feeling of security can usually be gained after seeing that good can overcome evil. In conclusion, hard as they are to define, thrillers are easy to recognize. If you can't turn away, if it has you biting your nails and staying up late at night, double-checking that the windows are locked and worrying and fretting about whether the characters are going to survive, chances are it is a thriller.