Thomas Jefferson

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Politics
Jefferson had destroyed political traditions. From his contradictions and defecting his principles, Jefferson destroyed the political precedent who can be seen throughout his administration. Jefferson was an admired statesman who was grappling unsuccessfully with the moral issue of slavery. Thomas Jefferson, the author of the Declaration of Independence, opposed slavery his whole life, yet he never freed his own slaves. He championed Enlightenment principles, yet never freed himself of the prejudices of his society. Jefferson …

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…start and they destroyed political tradition as seen during Jefferson's' administration. Jeffersonian shows an immense amount of hypocritism in their policies. For example, Federalists had supported high tariffs, in order to protect national manufacturers and American industry. The tariffs were a vital determinant, which kept the economy of the United States viable. The Jeffersonian, not the Federalists began the American system of protecting American industry which initially was a major constituent of the federalist platform.