This report is about Managing Your Emotions, which is an Interpersonal Communitaon Goal. A lot of time and effort was put in this, so it should get a good grade!!

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Communication Studies
Interpersonal Communication Goal In this writing assignment we are to choose a communication goal that we have learned about during the semester in this class. This goal is one that should be breakthrough in our interpersonal communication skills and should also be concrete. We should pick this goal with the thought in mind that we should have an internal commitment towards this goal. There is a goal, that ever since we went over it I …

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…that my conflicts and heated conversations will diminish. They will not disappear because there is always conflict, but the level of the conflicts won't be as great and they can most likely be solved more efficiently and easier. Time will tell if I truly achieve this goal, but this is one I'm not going to give up on because I can picture what the outcome would be if I did achieve, and it looks good.