This report describes the Introduction to Marketing and its purpose.

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Essay Database > Business & Economy > Marketing and Advertising
The Webster's definition of marketing is " (1) The act or process of buying and selling in a market. (2) The commercial functions involved in transferring goods from producer to consumer." The comprehension of the functionality and need for marketing is a good starting point in understanding what's the purpose and how it interrelates in an economy and enhances consumer awareness. If one has a good understanding of future trends, then a person should be able to have …

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…done correctly, the sky can be the limit. CONCLUSION Marketing is as essential to a business as oxygen is to the human body. It is of great importance in understanding the background, foundation and mentality that identifies the significance of marketing. The comprehension of the functionality and need for marketing is a good starting point in understanding what's the purpose and how it interrelates in a economy and enhances consumer responsiveness in its buying power.