This report covers the topics of Human Factors engineering, attributes of an individual and how human perception based on vision, touch and audition influences product design.

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Human Factor engineering is the field of engineering involving research into human psychological, social, physical, and biological characteristics, maintaining the information obtained from that research, and working to apply that information with respect to the design, operation or use of products or systems for optimizing human performance, health, safety, and or habitability. The main idea behind Human Factors engineering is to know your user and design a product that appeals him based on his preferences …

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…stimuli is also a very important aspect that one needs to consider that while developing an effective model. Our response to the sense of stimuli is the fastest. So in situations where we need a quick response from an individual we should use the sense of stimuli. While the sense of stimuli is still not a very commonly used but I am sure in the future it will be used to build more effective models.