This paper is an analytical essay on the US intervention in the Iraqi conflict.

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Essay Database > History > Middle East History
On March 19, 2003, after much debate and protest, the United States began Operation Iraqi Freedom. What was originally intended to be a swift, effective liberation of the Iraqi people has become a drawn-out, controversial conflict. Now, the coalition is faced with many new and pressing decisions. As the hostility intensifies in the Middle East, people in many nations are asking why the United States is still in Iraq. The thin line between assisting and acquiring Iraq …

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…simple solution to the conflict in Iraq. Differences in political systems, perspectives, and religion constantly change and intensify the disagreement. However, the United States must concentrate on achieving the three main goals set prior to the war before there can be a resolution. By implementing plans to liberate the Iraqi people, eliminate WOMD, and end the regime of Hussein while replacing it with a stable regime, the conflict can be remarkably lessened and eventually resolved.