This paper examines the controversial subject of where and when the great Zoroastrian prophet Zarathustra lived.

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Essay Database > History > Middle East History
INTRODUCTION Zarathustra Spitama, the Zoroastrian faith's prophet, is one of the world's most progressive philosophers and most ancient religious thinkers. Despite his preeminence as a spiritual sage and the great influence he has exerted on subsequent worldviews and philosophers, very little is known about Zarathustra, particularly his time and place. There is no question that Zoroastrianism and Zarathustra himself are both very ancient, having come well before the time of Christ. But in trying to …

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…Homeland. Fezana Journal, Fall 1997. Jungalwala, Khorshed. The Birthplace of Asho Zarathustra. Fezana Journal, Fall 1997. Kerr, Sam. The Domain of Zarathustra: Revisited. Fezana Journal, Fall 1997. Malandra, William W. Zarathustra's Place and Time: A Scholar's Perspective. Fezana Journal, Fall 1997. Manekshaw, Sarosh J.H. The Date of Zarathustra: A Brief Review. Fezana Journal, Fall 1997. Manekshaw, Sarosh J.H. The Homeland of Zarathustra: a Brief Review. Fezana Journal, Fall 1997. Mehta, Siloo. A Timeline of Iranian History. Fezana Journal, Spring 1996.