This paper covers the effects of imperialism on India

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Essay Database > History > Asian History
Imperialism: The Effects on India Between the fifteenth and eighteenth centuries, European nations flourished. They gained control over a majority of the Western Hemisphere. From 1880 and 1914, Western powers set out to gain power in many places such as Asia, India, Africa, and the Pacific. The western European domination was known as imperialism. The Europeans believe that it was their God-given right to bring civilization to the "un civilized" people. They believed that imperialism was good, …

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…Imperialism destroyed the Mughal Empire, and changed the lives of the native Indians forever. The Europeans established a relationship with India and at the first sign of weakness the Europeans took advantage of their relationship and conquered India. Imperialism had a positive effect for the Europeans, but it ruined the lifestyle and took away freedom for the native Indians. Work Cited Bentley, Jerry H. and Herbert F. Ziegler. Traditions Encounters. New York: Mc Graw Hill: 2003