This paper compares and contrasts 'click & click' and 'click and brick' establishments using SWOT analysis'

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Click and Brick Paper The definition of a" click-and-brick" organization is, it has both an online retail channel as well as a physical retail store. The definition of a "click and click" establishment is, it has no physical retail store, just an online retail store. With the overall world-weariness over "click and click" companies has now led to the resurgence of "brick-and- mortar" companies to enlarge their web presence leading to a new incarnation called "…

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…experience which builds customer loyalty relationships. References: Shapiro, J., Wong, K., Perreault, D., & McCarthy, J. (2002). Basic Marketing a Global Managerial Approach (Canadian 10th edition.). Toronto, ON: McGraw-Hill Ryerson Limited. Kaiser, N. (2000). interview with Kal Raman. Retreived May 31, 2005, at Mills D., (2000) Cybermedicine: The benefits and risks of purchasing drugs over the internet. Retrieved May 31, 2005, from