This is on a reason for living. Something so many people seemingly lose, and gain back only by deep insight into other people's ideas.

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Essay Database > Literature > Creative Writing
Say you were given a challenge. A challenge almost impossible to beat. A goal that burns at your insides, as you struggle to thrust the idea, the question, out of your head. And in the end, you find that you are on a search for a reason, something you can neither see nor hear, and you feel as if you've wasted so much time. You are looking for a reason for living. A reason you …

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…in mind. These people have no reason to be alive. Another person may say they live for their family. These people will likely turn into obsessive-compulsive, self-destructive, isolated, anti-social personalities. Any reason you come up with for living, is going to be mainly a lot of lies and excuses for why you're here. I suggest if you're looking for a reason now, you've gone too far already. Whatever happens happens, leave it as it is.