This is an outline to a speech that I did for an English class.

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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Transportation
I. Imagine yourself and thirty-two of your peers crammed into a small classroom. Some how, you and your district have something in common, you both have F ratings and are considered in academic emergency. You feel like society is failing you. The poverty cycle continues as your family ages, your grandparents had poor education, so did your parents, and now you too will be trapped in the loop. For the past two years your school …

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…national government pay for. I feel that the government should provide inexpensive laptops that groups of kids could share, and do school work by a qualified teacher over web cam. This would be cheaper, and just as effective. V. Conclusion A. 1. Kids need education 2. It will not help school system B. In the future, when we are all voting, I hope you will consider the children's future, and look out for the best of them.