This is an example of Mental Block.

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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Engineering
The group of mental blocks I experience the most is "attitude" barriers. Most of the time it is the negative, pessimistic thinking that takes over my mind. But with the help of this chapter and your lecture I learned a few tips that will help me to overcome these barriers. For example, our team (Leslie, Olga, Justin, Reid) decided to meet last Sunday at 2 p.m. at the Clark College library, so that we can …

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…to overcome this barrier, and after about 20 minutes of brainstorming, we came up with a set of solutions. At the end, we agreed to focus on a turbine air engine. This week we will be looking for parts, and, hopefully, by Saturday we will have our model built. Then we'll have about a week for testing our model and making necessary improvements. Now I understand why is it so important to overcome these attitude barriers.