This is an essay on the film "Born on the fourth of July".

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Essay Database > History > Asian History
BORN ON FOURTH OF JULY "Born On The Fourth Of July" is an extremely realistic portrayal of one American's changing beliefs and faith in his country. Tom Cruise plays Ron Kovic, an excited young American ready to serve his country. After experiencing the war firsthand, Ron's views and feelings regarding the war change drastically. The movie opens up in the beginning of Ron Kovic's life, as he experiences his childhood. He's a boy who loves …

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…hospital wards, it is not a movie about battle or wounds or recovery, but a movie about an American who changes his mind about the war. Oliver Stone realizes that is the heart of the story and is faithful to it, even though they could have spun off in countless other directions. This is a film about ideology, played out in the personal experiences of a young man who paid dearly for what he learned.