This is an essay about two differant types of sensors.

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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Engineering
Sensors <Tab/>Sensors are a way of life in today's society. Sensors have not been around for a long period of time. It was not till the 1970s that inventors actually got cracking on this new technology that would soon sweep the nation. In this essay you will learn about two type's sensors; first one being the photoelectric sensor and its applications and the other one is thru-beam sensor and its …

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…goes for a security alarm instead of a quick sound this will produce a call sound for help when it is triggered. Thanks to scientific breakthrough in technology we no longer have to do things like flush public toilets, or open up doors, or even worry about our dog getting crushed under the garage door. So the next time you activate a sensor just remember it could possibly be a photoelectric or a thru-beam sensor.