This is an essay about the united states marines corps it give an overveiw of the corps.

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Military
The United States Marine Corps Most people never think of the people that protect our country. Many people never could imagine the effort those men and women put forth. Out of the military forces there are it is known that the marines are the best. The marines go through the hardest training and they up live all that they have learned in their training. The United States Marine Corps is known for being the most …

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…weeks the platoon goes on a three day "crucible". This is where all the recruits use the knowledge they have learned and this where the recruits become marines. Finally if a recruit passes this test they are awarded with their graduation. They also have the privilege to say, "I am a United States Marine." A marine's life is very involved. Every marine is trained to the fullest and is here for the safety of civilians.