This is an essay I did on explaining how gravity works as well as how it effects the tides... How high tide and low tide work

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Geography
Introduction "Gravity is a force of attraction that exists between any two masses, any two bodies, any two particles. Gravity is not just the attraction between objects and the Earth. It is the attraction that exists between all objects". (NASA gravity 2000) Gravity is a very essential part of life on earth. We are in the exact position in the sun's gravitational field to keep us in orbit and keep life ongoing on our planet. Gravity …

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…December 18 2000) December 18 2000 Hirsch, A (1986) Physics For a Modern World Canada, John Wiley & Sons Canada Limited Gravity and Tides (December 19 2000) December 19 2000 Nasa Gravity (Decemer 17 2000) December 17 2000 Jacob, M C. (1999). Newton, Sir Isaac. In World Book multimedia Encyclopedia [CD-ROM]. Sandiago California, United States of America IBM/World Book, Inc