This is about the 400m sprint, and the energy systems that is uses, from Adenosine Tri Phosphate, to the Lactic Acid system

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Essay Database > Recreation & Sports > Mental Health
The event that I have decided to undertake from the Athletics unit this term and elaborate more on is knowledge and understanding of the 400-meter sprint. This event is usually taken place on a full size athletics field, which consists of one whole lap in a fast sprint, which takes around a time of a minute. In that minute the runner would experience all factors of the race, from intensity to recovery. In the 400 meters, …

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…speed, high power movements over short periods of time. They use mainly carbohydrate for fuel and produce lactic acid, which as it builds up inhibits the muscle contracting. The slow twitch muscle fibres produce less power but can continue for longer periods of time. They use a combination of carbohydrate & fat burned in the presence of oxygen and the main waste product is carbon dioxide that can easily be removed from the body.