This is a somewhat brief description of fungi, it's reproductive system, and how it obtains nutrients.

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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Biology
Hello, and welcome to the wonderful world of fungi, when most people think of a fungus they think of what? Mold, itchy feet, and that nasty green stuff on a month old sandwich. However these are only some of the characteristics of some types of fungi. First, we'll go into the several types of fungi that can prove to be helpful. The most widely accepted helpful fungi is Penecillium, this is the type they use …

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…a haploid nucleus. Third is reproduction through spores, spores could almost be classified as seeds, the fungi grows them, a breeze blows them away, and when they land in a favorable area their hyphae emerge, take root and they start a new growth. Under unfavorable conditions, however, some fungi release spores called zygospores, these spores have very thick cell walls and can live in extremely harsh conditions. This is the way that most fungi reproduces.