This is a short essay / speech on the causes of violence among youth ages 15-24 in the U.S.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Education
Fellow classmates as you already know homicide is the leading cause of death among people ages 15- 24. We have been asked to write a speech on the possible causes of the recent increased acts of violence committed by youth today. In this speech, I will speculate about the causes of this recent increase. I think one of the most common causes of violence is gangs. Youth today join gangs for a variety of reasons. Some …

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…activities that they would not normally do. In conclusion, youth violence is a big problem in the United States. I feel that the causes for this recent increase in violence are not hard to fix. I think that if more youth organizations were developed, youth would have more constructive things to do than walk around in the streets. These youth organizations keep youth out of trouble and give them good examples to follow throughout life.