This is a report on the ammount of sex and rape is happening in the USA these days. This is actually a paraphrased version so it isnt as good.

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Essay Database > Recreation & Sports > Health & Beauty
Now first of all, what is sex? Well Sex is basically when a male and a female (usually) they get naked and start playing with each others sex organs. Now let me be the first to say if you are going to have sex make sure that the person you are having sex is healthy because 41% of people who have sex have sex with a person who is diseased and this is one of the …

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…even worse, forcing someone to reproduce with you which is very uncommon because when you force someone to reproduce with you, your sperm is left inside the victim and F.B.I. can test that for any suspects they have with a fratility test. Now this is basically all you need to know and I hope that now that you are done reading this I hope you know that having sex is bad and unhealthy.