This is a first year chemistry lab. It is a titration to discover which acid reducer (Tums or Hy-Vee brand) neutralized the most acid(portrayed by vinegar).

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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Chemistry
Hypothesis:I believe that Tum will neutralize more acid because it is advertised more. If a company can spend that much time and money on advertising, then they most likely have a product they can stand by. Materials: Two beakers Burette Two Mortars and pestles Methyl Orange One Tums tablet (uncolored and unflavored; this is important because if it is colored, the color mixed with methyl orange will affect the results One Hy-Vee brand acid …

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…beaker until there was a color change in the beaker. I recorded my results and filled the burette bacvk up until it read "0", again. I then let the burette drip into the "Tums" beaker. After is changed colors, I recorded my results. Results: According to my results, Tums neutralized 5.6 mL of vinegar (representing the acid), while Hy-Vee neutralized 2.3 mL of vinegar. Conclusion: My hypothesis was right. Tums does dissolve more acid than Hy-Vee brand does.