This is a creative essay regarding a letter written by one of the characters. Prewriting is included.

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities > Theater
Nora Helmer and Yermolai Alekseyevich (Lopakhin) of A Doll's House and The Cherry Orchard respectively, were akin in many ways. The two characters lacked in their personal lives and were not in charge of their households. On the other hand, there were also differences between them. Nora was not as clever as Lopakhin and also not as confident. Nora and Lopakhin both had missing pieces within their interpersonal relationships but at the same time had …

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…art by their gender. As trivial as this may have seemed, it was important because of the different treatment they received. Lastly, Nora was quite oblivious as to what was going on at times while Lopakhin possessed a keen sense of business and deciphered situations well. There were several similarities between Nora Helmer and Yermolai Alekseyevich and it was interesting that this was so, considering that they came from the plays of different authors.