This is a breif essay about the characteristics of the toothfairy.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Education
So, what can we deduce about the Tooth Fairy, from her known characteristics. She is not affiliated with any known religion, in the way that Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny are associated with Christianity (although their origins seem to predate Christianity). Therefore, she is presumably not be restricted to visiting Christian children. This gives her a much greater range than Santa Claus. She does not need to visit all children in one night, once …

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…been proposed by Pratchett et al that if the Tooth Fairy does not have the correct change, she may extract the appropriate amount of teeth to ensure a fair trade). She is acutely aware of all current monetary exchange rates. She can travel at relativistic speeds (i.e. nearing the speed of light). She has the ability to enter and leave locked houses at will, without being detected by burglar alarms, security systems, dogs etc.