This is a Book Review on the book "New Perspectives on the Vietnam War."

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Essay Database > History > Asian History
NEW PERSPECTIVES ON THE VIETNAM WAR "New Perspectives on the Vietnam War", written by William Schoenl deals with different stages of the Vietnam War, and how America dealt with certain issues of the time. Schoenl offers a fresh perspective on the war, with out the biased American influence, that could possibly persuade our own ethnocentric views. This book is very interestingly placed together in an order of events, which begins with the Lyndon Johnson office, …

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…really means what it says, and does it. I hate the fact that my own country used very dirty methods of persuasion to gain our support. Overall I found this book to be very well put together, and eye-opening to the methods of the American Government. I would very much like to read a book on the new American perspectives of the Vietnam War, to see how our government would like to explain this one.