This essay was about the poetic devices which Robert Browning used to enhance the haunting tone in his dramatic monologue, "My Last Duchess."

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Essay Database > Literature > Poetry
Robert Browning sets the tone of "My Last Duchess," by using three significant poetic techniques, one of which is imagery. Browning uses the Duke's monologue to sketch out images in the reader's mind of the Duchess herself, and the sinister personality of the Duke. Browning also uses another key device, which is diction to illustrate the darkness in this poem. Browning's careful word choice adds to the description of the Duchess and perhaps her disgraceful …

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…mystery sets in as it makes the reader question if he is capable of committing this crime again, and how the Duchess was brought to her demise. Browning's word choice also enhances the mystery and eeriness of the poem. By using diction, the Duke's controlling personality was described. Finally, Browning uses the Duchess' portrait as a symbol In conclusion, Robert Browning achieved a haunting, mysterious, and eerie tone through the use of three poetic techniques.