This essay is describing two characters in the book "OF mice and men" by John Steinbeck

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Of Mice and Men Essay "Of mice and men" shows many different sides of how people were. George who in the book is Lennies' best friend and kind of like the brain in their relationship, never showed any side of himself that the reader wouldn't like. He shows courage, strength and love for others in this book. George was one of the key characters that made him so much like John Steinbecks quote. John Steinbeck …

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…with Lennie. That's mostly because they can't understand what it's like to have a relationship like theirs. This is what makes George very luck to have Lennie. George is exactly what the quote states he is an amazing person. John Steinbeck was using George through his quote. I'm sure when making Georges character he had this quote in mind. George has all the qualities and even more than that he had his memories with Lennie.