This essay is about why students should be reqiured to take health screenings. Tile:Should all students be required to take the health screenings?

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Essay Database > Recreation & Sports > Health & Beauty
Should all students be required to take the health screenings? I think students should be required to take the health screening test. There are a lot of dangerous diseases going around. Most of these diseases are sexually transmitted diseases and teenagers are the ones who mostly carry them. Whether taking the test in a clinic, going to a private doctor, or in school, students should take the health test so if you have a disease …

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…or not everyone should take the test because teenagers do other things like foreplay and they can get a STD also. Sooner or later you will have to take the test to make sure you're ok, why not take it so you can stay that way? As for drugs and alcohol that teens abuse, a health test may help that person. As I have noted everyone should be required to take the health screening test.