This essay is about what makes a hero in our society.

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Essay Database > Entertainment
If you ask a teenager who their hero is, chances are names such as Fifty Cent, Angelina Jolie, and Brad Pitt are going to come up. In today's media driven world, people have a hard time telling the difference between celebrities and real-life heroes. It is not that some of these celebrities are not heroes; celebrities can definitely be real-life heroes. It is that some people claim celebrities as their heroes for superficial reasons. In …

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…saw in concert the night before. They are their "heroes" because of their good looks and fame. But a lot of these "heroes" are not real heroes. Celebrities who want to cross over to becoming heroes should look no farther than Lance Armstrong, a true hero. Real heroes have dedication, passion, and character, all traits that Armstrong illustrates in the way he lives his life. By following Armstrong's example, a celebrity can be a hero.