This essay is about what happens when you sleep. It explains the different parts of sleep and some sleeping disorders

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Essay Database > Recreation & Sports > Mental Health
In about the 1950s, most people thought of sleep as a passive, inactive part of our daily lives. Now we know that our brains are very active when were asleep. Sleep affects us in many ways, that we are just beginning to understand. For instance, it affects how we function from day to day, it also affects our physical and mental health. In these next few paragraphs, I will talk about how much sleep we …

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…to move them for relief. Narcolepsy affects an estimated 250 million Americans. People with narcolepsy have frequent "sleep attacks" at random times of the day weather they have had a normal amount of sleep or not. The attacks can last a few seconds or as long as 30 minutes. In conclusion, everyone needs sleep weather it's 6 hours or 10 hours. Sleep helps us think more clearly, concentrate and provides us with enough energy to have an effective day.