This essay is about the rescuing of Jews in the Holocaust and how the Jews hid and the trials and tribulations they went through during their hiding.

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Essay Database > History > War & Conflicts
Becoming Invisible The Holocaust was the most terrible tragedies in the history or the World. Most people in the Holocaust did not live, in reality, there was a higher chance of dying from being in the concentration camps, starvation or anything of that nature, then there was of living. Living through the Holocaust was not common; it was rare. One of the most talked about parts of the Holocaust happened to be of the smallest, …

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…in hiding or distract someone looking for people in hiding. If these people were caught hiding anyone, you would either die, or be sent to a concentration camp. Rescue and Hiding is one of the more popular subjects when discussing the Holocaust. It is more of an upbeat type of subject that shadows the horrors and insanity of the Holocaust. Therefore, people try to concentrate on that aspect of this terrible, but rather significant event.