This essay is about the history of concubines in China.

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Essay Database > History > Asian History
Though we may see it as wrong, concubines have been apart of the Chinese culture for centuries. Many people do not understand what the life of a concubine was like, but one can rest assure that it was not very pleasant, but considered quite normal when it first started. The history of concubines in China can be dated back to 221 BC, in which the Ch'in Dynasty shifted the Taoist culture to a Confucianist culture, and …

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…ideas view the understanding of concubines, and concubinage differently. The beginning of the idea of concubines was adapted centuries ago, and was still practiced regularly from many centuries afterwards. Until the beginning of the 1900s, concubines were still considered to be legal, but now they are outlawed. As the years go by many ideas will be accepted, and many will be thrown away, but there is no way to tell unless the idea is tried.