This essay is about the fairness of mandadted school uniforms, and how they infringe on our first amendment.

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Civil Rights
In President Bill Clinton's state of the union address on January 23, 1996 he issued the following challenge to public schools across the nation: I challenge all our schools to teach character education: to teach good values and good citizenship. And if that means that teenagers will stop killing each other over designer jackets, then our public schools should be able to require the students to wear uniforms. (Silva) With this quote in mind, I challenge the …

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…I do understand that with our changing world some guidelines need to be established and enforced regarding clothing attire. However, I feel that this can be accomplished in a less dramatic fashion than mandated uniforms. If one individual is not following the rules, they should be held accountable. It is not a fair policy to make all students pay for a handful of students who do not want to play by the rules set forth.