This essay is about the effects of globization in Korea compared to Haiti.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Current Issues
For Better or Worse The Merriam-Webster's dictionary defines globalization as "to make worldwide in scope or application." Many third world countries around the world have been affected by globalization. In the book Eyes of the Heart, by Jean-Bertrand Aristide, the author writes about the Haitian people's struggle to survive with peace and simple dignity amidst the violence and devastation wrought on them by a two-hundred-year-plus encounter with the predatory forces of a global economy. Not …

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…market. Without depending on big business corporations, small business companies can go directly into the world market. Globalization and enhanced information capabilities are expected to help humanity realize economic prosperity and material affluence through a basically new revolutionary economic and social paradigm that is different from that of the age of the industrial revolution. For Haiti, Haiti first needs to develop this information and communications technology rather then counting only on people and their hope.