This essay is about the Areas OF Studies in Drama unit.

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities > Theater
DRAMA PORTFOLIO 2 INTRODUCTION: For coursework unit two I have studied HOMELESSNESS and REFUGEES. I have explored: *The meaning of homelessness and refugees. *The reasons that make people homeless. *Society's attitudes towards the homeless and refugees. AREA OF STUDY 1: CHARACTER AND CONTEXT: Basically, 'homeless' means people who have nowhere to live, and 'refugees' means people who have been forced to leave their country, either because there is a war there or because of their political or …

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…lawyers who wanted to deport the girl jumps and cheer because they have won the case and the other lawyers became sad and looked at the floor. I thought that the end bit was really good because it showed Mariam's facial expression and her low tone of her voice when she was walking towards the audience it made the audience feel once again sorry for the teenager girl whose life has become worse and worse.