This essay is about evolution, how why and when.

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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Biology
What Is Evolution? Biological evolution refers to the changes that occur in a population over time. These changes are produced at the genetic level as organisms' genes mutate and/or recombine in different ways during reproduction and are passed on to future generations. Sometimes, individuals inherit new characteristics that give them survival and reproductive advantages in their local environments. These characteristics tend to increase in occurrence in the population, while those that are harmful decrease …

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…science? Yes. Evolution is a "real" science. Is it perfect? No, definitely not. There are still many factors in the theory of evolution that don't quiet work. However, many schools have started to exclude evolution in their curriculum. Therefore causing students to not learn the basics of evolution. This is a problem that the Kansas Board of Education has just recognized. They have just recently reinstated evolution into Kansas's Public School Science Standards of Academics.