This essay is about e-commerce. It asks the question like where it is going, and if it is going to survive.

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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Internet
"Is their life in e-commerce?" The Economist February 3rd 2001:19-31 Many .com's have bit the dust this year due to the markets uncanny ups and downs. This is bad to have such ups and down's because when we do not avoid them inflation and deflation can occur like the great depression in the 1930's. Many .com's this year paied out the big bucks for 30 seconds of meyham for this years-annual Superbowl. Some companies are still …

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…willing and able to work does. Having full employment is good for the economy because when we do not achieve full employment we are not suffiecient. When we our suffiecent we our nation will be at our best. Our economy realitically still needs more people out of unemployment. I think with the U.S. entreprenurial ability our minds should easily be able to justify this. I also think that everyone should be educated about economics.