This essay is about abortion. It uses many quotes from doctors and scientists arguing pro-choice.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Controversial Issues
ABORTION Abortion is a termination of pregnancy by a surgical procedure (Bishop, 1998, p.1). There are no abortion laws in Canada; however people's opinions about it are quite different. Abortion is a huge issue to which there is really no answer, but there are many opinions and some evidence. Anti-abortionists state that abortion is murder and pro-choice completely disagrees with that statement. This medical procedure is not murder, nor is it immoral. Abortion in not a …

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…possible proof that medical science supplies. Since medical science has proven that the fetus is not human through many statements, then "There is nothing wrong in taking control over one's reproductive life" (Welton in Cozic & Tipp, 1991, p.127). Practicing abortion is a freedom of choice and that is the most important human right. Abortion is not a murder. A murder would be killing a born, unwanted child when a woman was forced to bear it.