This essay is about "The Wave", a movie based on an actual story involving the psychological transformation of students of a Californian high school from beliefs of democracy to fascism.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Psychology
Motivation is a powerful force working in the psyche of every human mind that consciously pushes an individual toward certain tasks in order to reach a desired goal. In "The Wave", a group of high school students' desire to be apart of a community and to hold power blinded them of reason and moral, which eventually led them to a tragic downfall. In this movie, motivation played a crucial role in the gradual destructive behavioral …

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…The Wave" is a powerful and emotional journey that opened our eyes to the existence of fascism in the most unlikely place, a high school in California. The movie demonstrated how people could easily be manipulated under certain circumstances and blinded by artificial motives. Just as the Germans fell under Nazis' rule during Hitler's reign, other groups or community like the high school in "The Wave" could also easily become the next victim of fascism.