This essay describes the economic political cycles in the United States over the last 50 years in reference to Democratic and Republican parties

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Essay Database > Business & Economy > Economics
This paper will study the effects of Presidential regimes from 1959 onwards. It well use the partisan theory and show the correlation between left wing (democratic) parties and low unemployment rates, as well as the correlation between right wing (republican) parties and low inflation rates. This correlation will help show the effects of different presidential regimes on the U.S. economy. I believe that the partisan model will hold true and that during republican presidencies we …

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…economy were a steady economy, which did not have business cycles, recessions or booms then I believe that the partisan model would hold true in every presidency listed above. The oly reason that the partisan model devieates from its main principals of republicans keeping a low inflation rate and democrats keeping a low unemployment rate is because of business cycles and strong exogenous factors, which would cause a recession or a boom, ex. Oil shocks.