This essay defines depression, symptoms of depression, causes of depression, and treaments for it.

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Essay Database > Recreation & Sports > Mental Health
Depression is a psychological condition that changes how you think, feel, and it also affects your social behavior and sense of physical wellness. I can make you feel low self esteem and can cause self-depreciation. Depression is not feeling sad occasionally, it is a constant feeling of sadness that stays with you. If not treated it can affect the way you act, feel, and the way you think. It can also cause you to be …

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…problems. These steps are not always easy for people to follow. People who dwell on past traumas almost always become depressed. In conclusion depression is a treatable disease that is cause by many different things. The fact that depression is a serious disease is not taken seriously enough in society today. People who are suspicious that a person may be depressed should contact someone about it as soon as possible before it leads to suicide.