This essay deals more with the negative side of the internet and how censorship should be dealt with concerning others especially children.

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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Internet
With newer technology comes a price and with the internet it is our children's innocence. A huge problem concerning the internet from the time it first began has been the issue of inappropriate material on the internet, a large part of which is child pornography. This has initiated a need for regulation which prevents this kind of material appearing on the internet. Censorship in one form or another is the only way the internet can …

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…be passed as the amount of pornography and offensive material on the internet is increasing everyday. Just last year there were approximately 200 convictions concerning child pornography on the internet.4 Also the IWF received over a thousand complaints concerning offensive material, the majority of which contained child pornography. This matter has to be taken care off otherwise the children of today who are the leaders of tomorrow will end up with a warped sense of society.